Integrations Thais-Soft

Oaky + Thais-Soft

Oaky & Thais-Soft’s integration allows hotels and hotel chains to automatically send personalised offers and upgrades to guests.

Get the most your Thais-Soft with Oaky
Schermafbeelding 2021 08 16 om 21 23 22


  • Reduced manual work

    1-way integrations allow hoteliers to run Oaky with full personalisation to guests alongside an approval process.
  • Improved guest experience

    Give guests streamlined access to fully personalised offers, bookable in one click.
  • Creative license

    Offer any type of deal you want, including room upgrades, dinner reservations, loyalty signups, activities or any other item or service you would like to provide.
  • Broadened reach

    Reach both direct bookers and OTA guests to initiate more sales and a higher ROI for your hotel.
  • Segmentation

    If your hotel’s system supports guest segmentation, Oaky supports it as well. Offers can be perfectly tailored to a guest and their needs, starting with their language.
  • Excellent conversion

    Oaky’s industry-leading conversion rate of 10.8% means that, of all guests who interact with Oaky, one in eight book an offer.

Discover Thais-Soft and 100+ other integrations in Oaky