Oaky + Mews

Maximise your upsell revenue with the Mews x Oaky 24/7 data exchange and tailored pricing.

Benefits of the Oaky x Mews integration
Meet the redefined Mews and Oaky integration


  • Full automation

    Let your upselling run on autopilot with the 2-way Oaky x Mews integration. No extra work is needed from your operational team. Oaky will automatically attach the right products to the reservation inside Mews upon an upsell.

  • Dynamic Pricing

    Capitalise on peak booking periods, demand fluctuation, and room availability with the price points sourced dynamically from Mews.

  • Hyper personalisation

    Up your segmentation game by automatically tailoring your room upgrade prices based on different rate codes pulled from Mews.

  • Instant upsell at check-in

    Oaky’s Front Desk Upsell automation is directly embedded into the Mews interface. No need to open another screen.

  • Enhanced control over room availability

    Set availability thresholds when the inventory is low with on-demand room upgrades or enjoy the flexibility of full automation.

Unlock your full upsell potential