Oaky + Guestline
Oaky and Guestline’s integration allows hotels and hotel chains to automatically send and accept requests for personalised offers and upgrades.

Full automation
2-way integrations allow you to run Oaky in 100% autopilot mode. No manual work, full personalisation and more time to focus on other areas of your business. -
Improved guest experience
Give guests streamlined access to fully personalised offers, bookable in one click. -
Creative license
Offer any type of deal you want, including room upgrades, dinner reservations, loyalty signups, activities or any other item or service you would like to provide. -
Broadened reach
Reach both direct bookers and OTA guests to initiate more sales and a higher ROI for your hotel. -
If your hotel’s system supports guest segmentation, Oaky supports it as well. Offers can be perfectly tailored to a guest and their needs, starting with their language. -
Excellent conversion
Oaky’s industry-leading conversion rate of 10.8% means that, of all guests who interact with Oaky, one in eight book an offer. -
Hands-off approach
Upsells are automatically added to the guest’s profile and updated in your system.
Ready to get started?
Explore Oaky for yourself or contact our sales team to give you a tour of the product. We’re sure we can help you out.