Pre Stay Upsell

See Pre-Stay Upsell in action!


  • Enjoy full automation

    Create engaging deals in one click using pre-defined templates. Sit back and relax while Oaky is taking care of the rest — sending your upsells to the right guest at the optimal time pre-arrival.

  • Be more profitable

    Get €75-250 of additional spend per guest without putting in the extra effort.

  • Be more efficient

    Save time and do more with fewer resources. With a 2-way integration to your PMS, booked requests get approved automatically cutting the manual work for your team.

How it works

  1. Integrate Oaky with your PMS. Our dedicated onboarding specialist will guide you through the setup process step by step.
  2. Craft custom deals or use Oaky’s Services Library, filled with curated upsell ideas translated into 25+ languages.
  3. Map out your guest segments and pick the deals you want them to receive.
  4. Wait for your deal conversions to soar.
In a nutshell

Using firsthand data & insights, Oaky sends targeted room upgrades & services to the right guest at the optimal time pre-arrival. It helps inform your guests about available offerings and encourages them to spend more.

Become the next success story