Front Desk Upsell

Turn your front desk agents into upselling superheroes
Front Desk Upsell

See Front Desk Upselling in action!


  • Attract and retain talent

    Provide rewards and incentives for successful upsells. Set up a positive competition through the Gamification feature and encourage your team to sell more.

  • Drive 3 to 9 times more upsell revenue

    Thanks to smart automated upselling prompts based on your segmentation, availability and dynamic pricing rules, you can boost your TRevPAR, and hence, upsell revenue.

  • Save time and boost productivity

    Synced with your PMS, Oaky pushes data on purchased room upgrades/services into your PMS. Automated reporting and benchmarking eliminate the need for spreadsheets to keep track of upsells and calculate commission earnings manually.

  • Minimise manual effort and generate up to 5% TRevPAR contribution

    Ditch spreadsheets and reduce manual work. Upsell only what’s available while making use of dynamic rates on your upgrades thanks to a two-way sync with your PMS.

How it works

  1. Your front desk agents get access to an easy-to-navigate dashboard with available room upgrades, services, prices and guest reservation data.

  2. With real-time prompts from the Oaky dashboard, front desk agents can suggest the most relevant upsells to guests.

  3. Your PMS updates automatically as soon as the purchased room upgrade/service appears in the Oaky system.

We've made tremendous progress with Oaky. We've successfully kicked off upselling rooms and other items at the front desk, which has resulted in a significant increase in our revenue.
Michiel Pillows Hotels
Michiel Bogaert
Corporate Revenue and Distribution Manager | Pillows Hotels

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